
Easy breezy

I have always liked the idea of the countryside. And Tagaytay on a weekday seemed to have fit in the picture perfectly. The greens and tall trees, the fresh breeze, all sorts of cabins here and there, and with barely any car or familiar face in sight... There's nothing quite like it, a quick escape from the busyness of the city and the stress at the thought of it brings.

More importantly, spontaneity and Tagaytay seem to be one and the same. And despite my best interests, I learned that the hard way. Unaware that go signals from the city tourism office to photograph public spaces were not that big of a deal (I had been waiting for them all week, to no avail...which made me believe our overnight visit will be postponed indefinitely), I had to borrow the smallest tees of my guy cousin who lived right across the street from our office...


Auld lang syne

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art—write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself." — Neil Gaiman

Phew! It had been a long year, but one that's filled with so much love, mixed together with travel and music. Faith goals-wise, 2013 was also, surprisingly, good as each item have either been checked or touched on—progress, eitherway! I feel lucky enough to be able to capture some highlights via video and so here is a last-minute compilation I put together (in no chronological order) earlier today with a rundown that follows after: