If you've been following this trusty ol' blog o' mine for quite some time now, you would instantly know that my formula for a perfect holiday would be pretty, picturesque places plus delectable, photogenic meals and multiply that by the beautiful and amazing people I get to share those special moments with.
July was a mix of both old favorites and new additions to that list: either restaurants frequented as much as possible or recently-opened/heard about places which proved to be worth a shot; and with either my usual companions in the form of my sisters (my twin, especially) and relatives or people I finally got to catch up and hang out with after what felt like ages.

Our not-so-usual at our usual; figured we should order something completely different from Burgoo's menu and we made swell choices. | Channeled my inner Allyson Healey and treated myself with a macaron after finishing Just One Day.

Making FamilyMart's green tea and raspberry soft serve my Sunday afternoon habit. | My first Project Pie experience was nothing short of amazing, would definitely be coming back for more thank you very much.

Finally got to check out the strip of restaurants at Tuscany in McKinley Hill with this occasional weekday dine-out in Main Street with a friend who has been a sister to us since high school. Its trendy, simplistic interiors with a boyish charm and its Canadian-American comfort food such as grilled pork chop and chicken wings was match made in foodie heaven!
Three years ago, I promised my lovely dorm foster sister to treat her out and bond with her one day, some day when I'm not too busy with school, especially thesis. And I'm one for keeping promises... Fun brunch at my default choice.
Mom visited Manila and, like last year, brought the typhoon with her. We took shelter at Casa Aguirre (which had no electricity due to the storm) and after Glenda passed, had merienda cena at Balboa while praying for the country.

Shared this cookie butter milkshake with the sisters in this restaurant that looked and felt like a museum. | Dropped by the "Kisame" exhibit, which featured photographs of Bohol churches—most of them severely ruined by the recent earthquake—and their ceilings and set up to imitate the overall look of a church. (JUST found out that the pictures were actually taken by ES Ochoa, who only happens to be my boss. Cannot get over it. Like a boss my boss.)

Thoroughly enjoyed spending an entire Sunday afternoon with our cousin who was in town for a couple of weeks, checking out the newly-opened Pottery Barn (I was all rave after seeing it in the States!), sipping our banana berry and razzmatazz smoothies from Jamba Juice, and doing some clothes shopping at the nearby bazaar.
After church, continued our cousins bonding at this ultra chic creperie the following Sunday then had lunch and strolled around the mall while exchanging life updates and much-needed advice with our college barkada mommy.

Holiday brunch and catch up date with my inspired and inspiring good friend from church at the hip Your Local. | Also, had a great 24 hours with our future CPA friend, from a videoke session with our high school batchmates, to the sleepover at the apartment sala, all the way to a movie marathon where she dozed off at the start of the second movie.
Other notable happenings—but unfortunately without quality photo-documentation, unlike those listed and shared above—for the month that was include a very productive Saturday work date with Dess over lunch and coffee at new and interesting places, as per usual; a 5/8 newsies lunch reunion just around the block from the university followed by a barbeque binge; as mentioned, a little high school get-together dinner and late-night videoke session; and a quick five-minute chat with my dear college blockmate Joey who was leaving for the States for graduate school.
See what I mean with the whole "smile and the world smiles with you" bit? July, thank you for being so good to me! Here's to more awesome moments in the coming months!
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